IP strategy design and implementation

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IP strategy design and implementation

Diagnosis of the IP portfolio, design of an effective IP strategy and advice on how to protect the IP assets

Expected Outcome

a) Mini report providing information for the adoption of a consistent IP strategy.

b) One-on-One case analysis on IP strategy alignment.

c) One-on-One IP action plan


The consultancy support will encompass assistance on a threefold levels:

a) IPR strategy design (early stage)

In-depth analysis of the Business Model. Preliminary diagnosis of the current and potential IP portfolio. Definition of possible IP strategies to be adopted in connection with the Business Strategy and its long-medium term objectives. The IP Strategy involves understanding the role of IP in Innovation and Business Strategies, the definition of objectives and the roadmap, the design of an internal process for sharing the Strategy, and its periodic review.

b) IP strategy design (growth stage)

IP strategy analysis based on the Business Model and the target market for the technology, evaluation of different IPs options (patents, trademarks, trade secrets, etc.), advice on where and when to file the IP.

c) IP strategy implementation action plan

Support for the development of an effective Action Plan to boost the uptake of IP by SMEs and start-ups. The action plan for IP protection will provide specialised advice on how to facilitate the sharing of IP, how to increase the technological uptake, and how to fight counterfeiting and improve the IPR enforcement.

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