Since October 2022 INNOVA, together with the companies HSPI and Blockchain Italia, has been qualified as service provider within the TrackIT Blockchain project promoted and financed by ICE – Italian Trade Agency. The project is addressing Italian SMEs and provides traceability services for Made in Italy products through the blockchain technology.
The goal is to encourage the expansion of Italian SMEs on foreign markets by countering the Italian Sounding phenomenon, increasing the level of transparency in communication with the final consumer and enhancing the uniqueness of Made in Italy products.
All this through the blockchain technology that allows the tracking of the product along the production chain highlighting the quality and origin of the raw materials, production phases, certification processes, history of the individual products and uniqueness.
A product traced on the blockchain acquires value and credibility, and therefore a competitive advantage, increasing the confidence of the final consumer who, by scanning a QR code, can access precise, transparent and reliable information on the product and the production process. An advantageous strategy for companies – as stated by Antonella Vulcano Director of INNOVA in a recent article on the platform of the ICE Agency «Train2Markets» – to enhance the values connected to the territory and the culture of origin and provide an integrated storytelling of all the steps production and product certifications.
Within the initiative, INNOVA, HSPI and Blockchain Italia offer a customised support including:
• a mapping of the single supply chain
• a blockchain traceability system
• a user interface aimed at foreign consumers
• a training activity on the use of blockchain technology to enhance the offer on international markets.
Business services are free for the first 18 months.
Interested companies can apply for participation by filling a form available on the initiative website.
TrackIT blockchain initiative: an opportunity for Italian companies to promote and protect the Made in Italy supply chain on foreign markets thanks to blockchain technology